Want to be the first to know when and where our next event happens?

Word on the street is we have a lot more things planned! We may or may not be coming to Florida in January. Drop your email to be the first to know when our next live event is announced!

Dig Deeper Nation 

Virtual Workout Classes

Saturday, July 27 - STEADY STATE CARDIO
Saturday, August 17 - STEADY STATE CARDIO
Saturday, September 14 - TOTAL BODY BUILD
Saturday, October 26 - TOTAL BODY RIPT UP

Join the Dig Deeper Nation Virtual Challenge from anywhere and drop into a series of live classes set to Shaun T’s signature poppin’ music playlists with brand-new LIVE workouts!

Click Here for Details

Shaun T Retreat in Tenerife, Abama

September 1 through 6, 2024

You already know we're gonna dig deep in your workouts, but we've carefully crafted this retreat to dig deep, chill, recharge, and connect with each other. Whether it's a rejuvenating massage, a peaceful hike in nature, or lounging by the pool with your new crew, this retreat is all about balancing pushing yourself and giving yourself some well-deserved self-care. Join Scott and me for a one-of-a-kind, all-inclusive retreat. Get ready to dig deep, push yourself to new heights, and have the time of your life in paradise!

Click Here for Details

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